高考英语语法精讲与精练 :第五章 动 词与动词短语 第五章 动词与动词短语精讲与精练 一、动词与动词短语讲前练:在空格处填入适当的单 词(1 个) Mr. Green has a beautiful garden. He keeps an eye [1]_________ it carefully every day. He thinks it [2]__________ sense to plant some vegetables in it. And he keeps the vegetables free from chemicals, which does good [3]_________ his health. His neighbors look [4]________ to Mr. Green, who often turn [5]_________ him for advice when they come [6]_______ problems,which can’t be figured [7]_________ on their own. This accounts [8]__________ Mr. Green’s kindness and popularity. Last Sunday I paid a visit to Mr. Green. He gave me some advice on how to get rid [9]______pests and take advantage [10]_________ the modern technology to produce tasty vegetables, which made me pleased. Keys:1.on 2.makes 3.to 4.up 5.to 6.across 7.out 8.for 9.of 10.of 【account for 说明,解释,导致 figure out 弄清楚, 弄明白,计算出,解决】 二、动词与动词短语考点精讲: 动词与动词短语考点 1、动词的分类: 1.行为动词 (1) 及 物 动 词 ( 可 以 直 接 带 宾 语 ) He gave me some advice on how to get rid of pets. (2)不及物动词(不可以直接带宾语) A traffic accident happened on the Hong Xing road yesterday. 2.系动词【系动词后常接形容词做表语,不接副词尤其 是以 ly 结尾的副词作表语】 1)、表示“是”的动词 be。这个词在不同的主语后面 和不同的时态中有不同的形式 is,am,are,was,were,have/has been 等要特别予以注 意。 例如:He was a soldier two years ago.两年前他是个士兵。 2)、表示“感觉”的动词,如 look(看起来),feel (觉得,摸起来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来), taste(尝起来)等,例如: The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来很有趣。 3)、表示“变”、“变成”的意思的动词,如 become, go, get, grow, turn,come(true),fall(ill/asleep) 都解释为“变”、 “变得”,例如: She became a college student.=She turned college student. 她成了一名大学生。 4) 、 表 “ 保 持 和 好 像 ” 等 含 义 的 动 词 如 keep,stay, remain,seem,appear,prove It is important to keep healthy. 3.情态动词:can(could),must, may(might),should ,had better, would rather, have to【情态动词后必须接动词原形】 4.助动词:这类词本身无词义,不能单独作谓语,只能 与主要动词一起构成谓语,表示不同的时态、语态、表示 句子的否定和疑问,例如: (1)do、does、did:构成否定句或疑问句【这类助动词 后必须接动词原形】 He does not speak English well.他英语讲得不好。 (句中的 does 是助动词,既表示一般现在时,又与 not 一起构成否定形式。) (2)is、am、are、were、was:构成进行时态、完成进行 时或被动语态 Football is played all over the world.全世界都踢足球。 ( 句 中 的 is 是 助 动 词 , 和 played 一 起 构 成 被 动 语 态。) (3)has、have、had:构成完成时态 When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.当我到达电 影院时,电影已经开始了。 (4)will、shall、would:构成将来时态【这类助动词后必 须接动词原形】 I shall write to you again at the end of the month. 月底我 再给你写封信。 (shall 与 write 构成一般将来时,shall 用于将来时只用在 I 和 we 的后面。) 动词与动词短语考点 2、常考高频动词短语 感知真题:在空格处填入适当的词(1 词) 1.【2017 天津卷改编】Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter settle_________, get married, and have kids. Keys:down【settle down 定居;安顿下来】 2.【2017 江苏改编】 Working with the medical team in Africa has brought_______ the best in her as a doctor. Keys:out 【bring out 使显现,出版,阐明】 3. 【 2016 江 苏 改 编 】 Many businesses started up by college students have taken________thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. Keys:off 【take off 起飞,成功, 受欢迎】 4. 【 2016 江 苏 改 编 】 Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage______the opportunity to join sports teams. Key:of 【 take advantage of 利用】 5. 【 2016 浙 江 改 编 】 12.When their children lived far away from them , these old people felt cut ______from the world. Keys: off 【cut off 切断】 动词与动词短语考点 3、熟词生义词汇 翻译下列句子并注意黑体字的含义 1.The school admits 200 new boys and girls every year. Key:学校每年招收 200 名新生。【admit:熟义:承认, 允许生义:招收,接纳】 2.Book in advance if you want to be sure of a seat. Key: 如 果 你 要 确 保 有 座 位 , 你 就 提 前 预 定 【 book: 熟 义 : 书生义:预定】 3.A journalist was sent tocoverthe traffic accident. Key:一个记者被派去采访这次的交通事故。【cover:熟 义:覆盖,封面,盖子生义:采访,涉及】 4.But she was heart-broken about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet developed. Keys:但是她非常伤心,因为丢失了几卷还未冲洗的柯 达胶卷。【film:熟义:电影生义:胶卷】【develop: 熟义: 发展生义:冲洗】 5.The boy first showed promise as an athlete in primary school. Keys:这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动 员 的潜 力 / 希 望 。 【 promise: 熟义 :承 诺生 义: 希望 ,迹 象 , 预示】 三、动词与动词短语应考技巧 重点要在理解的基础上熟记常用动词和动词短语的含 义与用法。 四、考点精练 (一)完形填空(2021 年新高考 I 卷) 【以此真题说明动词与动词短语是高考完形填空中的 考查重点】 语言运用 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)图片 My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school, when, for three whole days, I worked in a baking factory.图片 My best friend Betsy’s father was a manager at Hough Bakeries, which, at Easter time, 41 little bunny ( 兔 子 ) cakes for all its 42throughout Cleveland. It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for 43help during our spring break, for which I had no44beyond listening to my favorite records. I’d45minimum wage. I’d see how a factory46. My parents thought all of this was a grand idea and called Betsy’s dad with their47.图片

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