高中英语冬奥会相关热门话题范文与素 材 A 假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。你正参加与法国巴黎 友好校以“畅想奥运盛事”为主题的线上英语交流活动。 友好校的学生 Chris 得知新近发布的 2022 年北京冬奥会的主 题口号(official motto)是“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”,认为这个口号非常棒。他请你进一步谈谈看法 。 请你根据以下提示进行发言: (1)向 Chris 表示感谢并认同他的看法; (2)你对口号的理解(体现奥运精神、同享共创未来、 中国发出邀请等); (3)对 2022 年北京冬奥会及 2024 巴黎奥运会筹备工 作表达祝愿。 【参考范文】 Hi, Chris, I want to express my most sincere appreciation to you. As far as I am concerned, you are definitely right. I can't agree more. The official motto of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is consistent with the core values and vision of the Olympic. We hope to convey to the world several layers of meaning, the first of which is the need to work together in the future. Current COVID - 19 brings all mankind the global challenge, so only by helping each other can we build a beautiful future together. Second, China is inviting the world to join hands. In the end,I present my best wishes for the preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and 2024 Paris Olympics. Thank you. B  为迎接北京申办 2022 年冬奥会成功,某英文报开设了 一个“我最喜欢的体育运动员”专栏。请用英语写一篇短 文,介绍你最喜爱的体育运动员,要点如下: 1.该人物的基本信息。 2.该人物在运动生涯中所取得的成就。 3.你喜欢他/她的理由。 【参考范文】 Lin Dan, also nicknamed “Super Dan”, was born in 1983 in Fujian Province. He is considered to be one of the most outstanding badminton players in the world. When he was young, he showed a strong interest in playing badminton. Then, he made great efforts to play badminton and was admitted to the national team eventually. In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he won the champion. But what impresses me most is his wonderful performance in 2012 London Olympics, when he competed with another excellent player Li Zongwei. With his professional skills and perseverance, he overcame all the difficulties and finally won the competition, becoming the world champion. Because of this, his spirits will never stop influencing me, pushing me to work hard to achieve my goal. C 你校英文报正在征集有关“中国与奥运会”的文章, 请你就这一主题写一篇投稿,内容包括: 1.简要介绍一下奥运会的历史; 2.中国对奥运会的贡献。 【参考范文】 The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games.Beginning in 776 BC,they were originally held in Olympia,Greece until 393 AD. In 1896,they were revived by a French nobleman,Pierre Frèdy,Baron de Coubertin, thus beginning the era of the Modern Olympic Games. It's wellknown that Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games in 2008,which is a belt of the east and west culture. It advances the two different culture system's development.The 2022 Winter Olympics is around the corner.I sincerely hope it will be a great success. D(关于谷爱凌) 谷爱凌在 12 岁时发表的英语演讲,当时的她就已经提 出了男女同工同酬的倡议,立志打破对女性运动员的刻板 印象,她不仅仅是个运动天才,还可能是个社会活动家。 图片 15 岁时,谷爱凌宣布加入中国国籍,发文称:“中国 自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌报到。”17 岁时,参加美国高考 SAT,满分 1600 分,谷爱凌取得 1580 分,被斯坦福大学录 取。台上一分钟,台下十年功! “与恐惧的关系正在演变。她想了很多。她写日记, 她说,她的一些手写条目记录了各种形式的恐惧主题。应 《纽约时报》的要求,顾写下了她对恐惧的看法——她如 何看待它,如何应对它,她希望如何战胜它。” --- 纽约时 报 I Admit,I‘m In Love With Fear Essay by Elieen Gu FOR THE LAST 10 OF MY 18 YEARS, I’ve pursued a tumultuous love affair with fear. I’m a professional freeskier, and twin-tipped skis, 22-foot halfpipes and double-cork rotations are my main sources of adrenaline, the truly addictive core of extreme sports. 在我迄今 18 年人生的后 10 年里,我一直在追寻着的是 一种纷乱的、充满恐惧的爱。我是一名专业的自由式滑雪 运动员,脚上的一双雪板、22 英尺长的 U 型池和各种特技 动作是我肾上腺素的主要来源,是也极限运动中真正令人 上瘾的核心要素。 Like all bewitching lovers (at least the ones in the novels I read, for lack of real-world experience), this significant other can be … mercurial. “Fear” is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations: excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. I’ve learned that the nuanced indicators of each of these feelings can be instrumental to success when recognized and positively leveraged, and harbingers of injury when ignored. 正如所有那些能迷倒常人的恋人一样(至少是像我从 小说中读到的那些一样,因为现实生活中我还缺乏相应的 经验),你这个重要的另一半有时可能会很……反复无常 实际上,“恐惧”可以算是三种不同感觉的总称,那就是 兴奋、不确定和压力。我已经发现,如果这些感觉能被识 别和积极地利用,那么每一种感觉中都有一些微妙的指标 可以帮助你成功,而如果其原理被忽视,那么这些感觉可 能就会是你受伤的前兆。 Though it’s easy to label extreme sport athletes as fearless or capricious, the countless hours I’ve spent visualizing tricks and practicing them in foam pits (foam. particles. everywhere) and on airbags (think giant Slip ’N Slide) suggest otherwise. It’s biologically counterintuitive for us to place ourselves in positions of risk, and while we make every effort to physically prepare, no amount of metaphorically safety-netted practice can equate to the unforgiving snow slope that rushes up to meet us after a steep kicker la

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